Daisypath Wedding tickers

Our Story

Our story is as of the moment 11 years in the making. And by June next year, which will be our 12th, will mark a major milestone in our relationship. A marriage which is still on the works and will finally be witnessed on June 16, 2012.

- Sheena's Side of the Story -

Way back in 1997, I was a 1st yr. high school transferee student at Flos Carmeli - a Catholic School. Being a new student then was very overwhelming as I meet new friends, feel the pressure of a new environment and on the side note - a lot of new guys are trying to meet me or court me at school. I was too young then. I met Momon during the middle of the school year for he came from the US then and started the school year late. He was an old student of the school I transferred in. I still remember meeting him while I was writing something on the blackboard and him standing outside the door. I believe it was "Totoy" who first introduced him to me. I didn't give too much attention to him. He is skinny, dark and at that time, not too much of my type. During the time he arrived I was already entertaining other suitors but he still pursue courting me. He courted me for around 6 months. He was the sporty type guy in high school - a basketball varsitarian. I, on the other hand was a school honor, a smart yet semi-popular girl in school - to fast forward, I was the class valedictorian in high school. Yes, I am a gleek in high school. >.<. Proud to be one. :)

Here's the twist of our story:

The school year ended and I didn't end up with Momon. Instead, I ended up having a relationship with a some guy. The relationship ended and I was left devastated of having such horrible experience for first love. I decided not to attempt loving someone in the near future.

Then here comes Momon again during my junior year. He started courting me the second time around. With some help from my friends Maan & others, he managed to get close to me again. By this time I have seen the brighter side of him. Of how funny he was, how super "mapang-asar", how gentleman he is, as he waits for my arrival to school every morning at the school gate and carry my bags for me to my classroom, how easy he is to get along with and how understanding he was. No pressure, no prim and proper needed, I just only need to be me - and that's it, no requirements. After another six months of courtship, I give in. On February 14, at the blink of the millennium, during Valentine's Day, while inside our classroom I talked to him privately and said I love him back.

That's the start of our wonderful story.

Being batch mates, we graduated high school together, 2001. We, coincidentally, also have decided to take the same course at the same school. Due to our love of techy stuffs, we went to college at AMA with major in Computer Science. In other words, we became computer geeks together - we even are Thesis Defense Partners. Hahaha! We both graduated in College by 2005, me having Latin honors (sorry, can't help it, I studied hard for it :P). After that, we even had our first job together at an online gaming company, Level Up! Games, as Game Masters. After that first job, we went into separate ways to strive for our individual competencies. I worked in the Software Development Career and he braved the Systems Engineering Race.

We grew differently on our careers yet shared the same goal in life. We grew together not just as lovers but as best friends. I believe that is where the fun starts when you treat your partner not just a lover but as a friend. It makes life more easier, comfortable and exciting. It was a long relationship, and it was a strong one. And as of writing I believe that no one can falter the bond that we have together.

- Momon's Side of the Story -

Coming Soon!