Daisypath Wedding tickers

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Invitations by Impress Prints

First of all, invitations were not one of our top needs to splurge on during our wedding planning. As most people do (including myself - I am guilty as charged), invites are either lost, misplaced or not even opened. Days/Weeks before the event (based on our previous experiences), people will text, call or even post on your facebook wall asking about the event details despite the fact that you have personally handed them the invitations already. =) I am okay with it (I think it's how we Filipinos are), it's just that in our case we think the cardstock invites are just for formality sakes. But I do am aware that some people keep them as a souvenir and I mean "some". =)

So no splurging. We have the idea of just having a simple invitation. Not too elegant nor too classy. We don't want our wedding to be stiff and too formal. At first we have no preference on designs and layouts, as in, we really almost not talk about it. Until I saw a design layout that will truly depict our invitation as "us". It is a little simple, kid-like but the essence of showing what we really are - not boring, not typical, but fun and child at heart will all be there. Also, how we met and how our relationship nourished is an open book to friends and family so we don't mind sharing them to the rest of the world of how everything went through with us before the "big day" itself.

We then look for the affordable yet quality-driven printing company who can accommodate our super-duper customized wedding invites. TIP: Most "known" invitation printing companies only present you with templated invites and minor to major customizations will cost you an additional much from the what-they-say "affordable" standard invite set. After numerous expos, web research and referrals, we then came across Ms. Jennifer of Impress Prints by Calliope Printing. They acknowledge that they can create our super-duper customized invites without extra charges from the standard price of the total invite set. It was really a great deal! So we signed with them.

What I am proud of myself doing is I personally made the draft that I want for our invite. I just used MS Word and used its comments power to instruct the designer of what to do. I end up submitting this fully detailed document to start it of:

After submitting this document, the layout that we had in mind was made just after a short 5 days. I think my OC detailing helped explain every bit of the invitation so the layout specialist didn't have a hard time contemplating on what we want. Just 2-3 minor word revisions we were able to see the Final Invitation Set! Drum Roll Please...

See I told you it would be far from being conventional. Quirky, fun and lively. That's what we want our wedding to be. :) This is a 6 x 18 vertical accordion type invite with Main card, Entourage Card, Parchment Envies and Seals.

And since I'm a DIY fan. We've personally made these RSVP, Attire, Map cards & Labels:

I did the designs, layouts, map, wordings and printing. Momon does the approval (haha!) and the cutting. (Thanks to our Ninang Jay who made us borrow her paper cutter, it really produced neat cuts!) :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Same Day Edit Video by Daniel Lei Studios

We are still in bliss even after a week has passed after our wedding day. Our happiness cannot be measured as we do one activity and another during the wedding day. The stories still continue as we talk about the "big day" with our friends and family. We were so blessed to have friends and family who love us truly. And we wouldn't forget that we were blessed with videographers and photographers who put their heart and talents to what they do and even extend a helping hand in times of "distress" ;)

Our Save-The-Date video with the Lakehouse/Il Mare concept was a blockbuster to our friends and relatives. We know you'll definitely love the continuation of what happens next. 

Daniel Lei Studios (Lei and Joannie) are one of the best and we are so proud and happy to share the Same-Day-Edit video that they have made for us. It's like re-living our wedding everytime we watch it. Now, all I have to do is share... :) Click here to watch in Vimeo! Enjoy~! :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

15 days more and we're getting hitched!

A few more sleeps and we'll be walking to that altar. I can't explain how I feel as of this moment. It's a mixture of excitement, panic, anxiety, happiness and a whole lot of emotions! It's like I'm getting crazy now! Waaaaaaah! Anyway, all are almost into place now with of course some minor things here and there. We can do this!

Three days ago we already got our custom-made cord from one of the best wedding customization supplier in the country, Project Dream Weddings. We are so pleased at how Ms. Eyzel creatively made our cord into our liking. Now we can say, our wedding is uniquely ours as we put our personal touch here and there. This will not be the ordinary wedding that you've attended. This is going to be OUR wedding where what we seek is to have a fun and elegant celebration of the love we have for each other. We might not be sticking ultimately to traditions, but we are doing the traditions at the best and fun approach that we can make.

Here's the link of our cord from the supplier's page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.367928693269889.86966.150245298371564&type=3

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

45 days to go!

Yes, time flies, indeed so fast that we are down to 45 days. All the bookings have been made, all that we have been waiting for is just for the "Big Day" to arrive. As I was browsing through our suppliers I indeed felt happiness to see that our date is set on their calendar (though incorrectly spelled). :))

45 days to go! It's going to be a fast ride to the wedding aisle. Oh one more thing, we need to file our leaves already. Hahaha! :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

60 Days, The Countdown Begins, Excitement Is Burning Me

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and flies high above like a balloon.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

100 Days To Go Mark!

Over a year ago - the sweetest proposal happened and now only 100 days are left to what awaits us on our Big Day. I am now excited how it feels to be a bride, how it feels to be joined by God, how it feels to face the family and friends as we became as one. I am excited to see the happy faces and smiles from loving friends and relatives who have come a long way for us. I am excited to see how our colors would look like together and how lively our wedding would be. Despite this, what is the most important thing that this 100th day mark would bring is that in 100 days we will be fulfilling another sacrament of the Catholic Church, the Sacrament of Matrimony where God will join us as one that no man can separate.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Glamorous Sketches by Concha Couture

Last Saturday, March 3, was the first measurement schedule of our Female Entourage. We believed in the artistic talents of Ms. Concha EspaƱa of Concha Couture and so we trusted her to have the female entourage gowns be made by her. Upon receiving the sketches from Ms. Concha, I was wowed and excited to see how beautiful the designs she made and how talented she draws (she drew my gown in person). These are her beautiful sketches:

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