Daisypath Wedding tickers

Friday, June 1, 2012

15 days more and we're getting hitched!

A few more sleeps and we'll be walking to that altar. I can't explain how I feel as of this moment. It's a mixture of excitement, panic, anxiety, happiness and a whole lot of emotions! It's like I'm getting crazy now! Waaaaaaah! Anyway, all are almost into place now with of course some minor things here and there. We can do this!

Three days ago we already got our custom-made cord from one of the best wedding customization supplier in the country, Project Dream Weddings. We are so pleased at how Ms. Eyzel creatively made our cord into our liking. Now we can say, our wedding is uniquely ours as we put our personal touch here and there. This will not be the ordinary wedding that you've attended. This is going to be OUR wedding where what we seek is to have a fun and elegant celebration of the love we have for each other. We might not be sticking ultimately to traditions, but we are doing the traditions at the best and fun approach that we can make.

Here's the link of our cord from the supplier's page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.367928693269889.86966.150245298371564&type=3

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